Free Resources
Want to experience a peaceful, rejuvenating and supported postpartum? My 15 page guidebook will help you and your partner or support person to:
- Understand why a supported postpartum is crucial for the health of the whole family
- Learn about normal baby behaviour and what to expect in the early postnatal period
- Take steps to identify and call in your personal support crew
- Build skills and knowledge to get the professional you need to be well
- Start life with your new addition(s) on the same page
By requesting to receive this resource you agree to begin receiving Anna's newsletter, which you can unsubscribe from at any time.
Not sure who to call for help, or even what help is available to parents? If you're in Australia, this A4 sheet has all the helplines you'll need in one place. This includes:
- Medical, health and emergency services information for your baby
- Mental health support lines
- Breastfeeding information and support helplines
Even better, there's room at the top to add your own local support people (think your midwife, pelvic floor physio, lactation consultant, postpartum doula, local cleaning service or babysitter) too! Print this one out and stick it to your fridge, the back of your toilet door, or anywhere else you and your partner or support people will see it often.
By requesting to receive this resource you agree to begin receiving Anna's newsletter, which you can unsubscribe from at any time.
My podcast
The "Anna Asks" podcast is the place to go for a whole load of conversations and parenting-related topics that don't get airtime elsewhere. Think chats as diverse as queering motherhood, neurodivergent parenting, the history and politics of sleep training culture, how midwives and doulas prepare for their own births, my postpartum diary and more. If you scroll back to season two you'll find the entire audiobook version of my book, "Mama, You're Not Broken: Unmasking the Unspoken Emotions of Modern Motherhood", read out by me, absolutely free!
A selection of my most helpful blogs
I write a new article like these ones every month.
It's part of my commitment to you, and to reducing the time I spend on social media. Pop your address in here to get them free to your inbox.