Support services and resources for expecting, new and experienced fathers.
This resource was compiled for Australian Men’s Health Week 2021 but was most recently updated in 2024. Text in quotations marks is copied directly from the website shown. You are welcome to print or distribute this list providing you reference or @annacusackpostpartum as its source.
This is the Dad-specific branch of (Perinatal Anxiety and Depression Australia). It includes mental health resources for expecting and new dads, info on how to support one another, and the phone support line for all parents 1300 726 306
The Gidget Foundation
Gidget Foundation Australia exists to support the emotional wellbeing of expectant and new parents to ensure they receive timely, appropriate and specialist care. Thie organisation does this by providing various face to face, virtual, group and individual services as well as advocacy and research.
Talk2mebro was developed to help reduce the number of males who die to suicide in Australia. Through early intervention, the aim is to create societal change by reducing the stigma around suicide and getting men to feel comfortable talking about what they are going through emotionally and mentally.
“New and soon-to-be-dads can now receive useful messages and tips matched to their baby’s age... tips, information and links to other services to help fathers understand and connect with their baby and support their partner.”
A range of resources on parenting kids of different ages and being an involved dad across various family configurations and situations. Free phone counselling 1800 041 612
Lifeline - 13 11 14
Lifeline is a national charity providing all Australians experiencing emotional distress with access to 24 hour crisis support and suicide prevention services. Lifeline exists so that no person in Australia has to face their darkest moments alone.
The Suicide Call Back Service
A 24 hour, nationwide service that provides free telephone, video and online counselling. Suicide Call Back Service offers crisis support to anyone in Australia who is aged 15 years and older and:
- Is feeling suicidal
- Is worried about someone
- Is caring for someone who is feeling suicidal
- has lost someone to suicide
- Is a health professional supporting people who are affected by suicide.
Phone 1300 659 467.
This resource outlines symptoms and support options for dads supporting partners experiencing birth trauma, and for the dads navigating birth trauma themselves. Support is available, you are not alone.
"Stayin' On Track is a place for "online resources developed by Aboriginal men for Aboriginal dads." There are videos and resources about being a young dad, preparing for birth and beyond.
Run a "Dads in Distress" support service. "Parents Beyond Breakup not only supports parents experiencing trauma through family breakdown and separation but also acknowledges the specific issue of parent-child contact and custody battles commonly termed ‘parental alienation’, a factor closely linked to stress, anxiety, depression, isolation and suicide in Australia." Helpline: 1300853437
"Rainbow Families is the peak organisation supporting LGBTQ+ parents and their children. As a community organisation run by LGBTQ+ families, we act as a support network for parents and carers, their children as well as future parents and carers."
SANDS Australia Have a support service for fathers who are affected by miscarriage, stillbirth or infant loss. The father-specific line is1300 072 637.
A central place to know what's out there for dads.
Birth education for dads at the pub.
Birth and parenting prep for dads
Resources and training for "fathering excellence"
Lone Fathers Association of Australia
A national peak body of separated parents.
Four stories from dads who accessed mental health services about why, how they got started, what it was like and what's changed for them can be found here.
Podcasts don't replace individualised support, but listening to the stories of others can help people feel seen, understood and less alone in their struggles.
- Dads Of The NICU
- The New Fatherhood Podcast Series
- The Imperfects (not specifically about fatherhood, but lots of discussions about mental health, parenting and where they overlap.
- How Other Dads Dad with Hamish Blake
- 1 in 5 mothers, 1 in 10 fathers - a podcast with some episodes interviewing dads from the Gidget Foundation (mentioned above)
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